Who is this girl?
Welcome! I'm Lizzie, and this is my blog. I'm a recent graduate from Georgia Southern University. I graduated with a degree in Early Childhood Education. Which pretty much means I spend 90% of my time writing lesson plans and looking at pinterest for new ideas. The other 10% of my time is spent at work and sleeping. Born and raised in Georgia I have just made a big move across the country. I am now a proud resident of Arizona and enjoying discovering a new life and adjusting to being 2,000 miles away from everything I have ever known. I still haven't made it onto a plane but I'm pretty sure that will be in my very near future. I'm discovering a whole new world and enjoying every second of it.
I'm really just your average twenty-two year old. I have two kittens, read in what little spare time I have, eat far too much, and think that my gentleman hung the moon and the stars all by himself. This blog will follow all of my adventures on my way to becoming a "big girl". You can expect plenty of recipes, project ideas, lesson plans, and most definitely pictures of my kittens.
Like I said, this is my journey to the real world. I will have both triumphs and failures as I try to figure out my plans. I hope that some of my experiences will lead you along the right path in your own journey.
Thanks for reading! If you like what you see be sure to follow me throughout my journey!
If you have any questions feel free to contact me at lizzierucker@gmail.com
- Lizzie