Thursday, August 16, 2012

Homemade Potato Chips

What you'll need:

  • 4 russet potatoes
  • Baking spray
  • Salt


The first step is to pre-heat your oven to 450.
Wash and start slicing your potatoes into thin slices, about a 1/4 of an inch.

The gentleman cut our potatoes up.  It was NOT an easy task getting them to be so thin!

Next lay the slices out on aluminum foil.
This is what happens when you use parchment paper that has only been safety tested up to 420 degrees!
Glad we caught it, before the oven caught on fire!
Lightly spray the slices with the baking spray.
Bake in the oven for about 10 to 15 minutes.  Keep an eye on them! A lot of our smaller slices starting to burn pretty quickly.
Once they are brown and crispy, to your liking, sprinkle them with salt.  You could really use any seasoning you want.  Next time we're going to attempt some garlic chips!

As you can see some of our edges turned pretty brown.  This is because they were different thicknesses.
Next time we'll have to be more exact with our cutting!
Let the chips cool and then enjoy!

My Rating:
I would give the chips a 3/5.  While, they were good, they weren't quite what I expected. I think it had a lot to do with the fact that almost every chip had a bit of a burnt taste.  We plan on making them again, and hopefully we will improve on our cutting.  I would definitely take these to school in my lunch.  They were easy and for the most part pretty good.  

My next adventure is with mini pizzas!

- Lizzie

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